I have a better understanding of the various concepts we have been developing. In the beginning of the semester, I was very inexperienced in coding and had to utilize various resources when reseaarching code. Now, I am able to interpret what I need to do to complete certain tasks as well as what blocks of code do by looking at it. I am also more detail-oriented and attentive when I write my code, which includes making sure I spell everything correctly with the right capitalization, adding semi-colons, periods, and commas, as well as the correct variable and file names. I am especially more comfortable with the ways how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript information work together. Especially with how we separate our HTML and JavaScript files, understanding references and how everything connects is essential.
Although I understand how various coding elements work together, I still struggle to write actual JavaScript code myself. I need to reference and learn from class materials, readings, and my peers to gain a more solidified understanding of the concepts. I also need to work on pacing myself and utilizing pseudocode. With Assignment 1, I was overwhelmed by the various tasks I had to do, so I would need to break it down in parts to use my time more efficiently.
For all of the WODs, I learned a lot by attempting to doit myself and troubleshooting issues I ran into. However, I did have to refer to the screencast solutions once I got stuck, more so at the later WODs. After multiple run-throughs with and without the screencast, I felt more confident in doing the WOD myself in the end.
The labs have helped me tremendously in grasping key concepts, especially the ones used in Assignment 1. I usually do the labs by going through Sal’s videos and the explanations through each step made me see how it can be used in practical scenarios. At the end of each lab, I feel more conifdent in what I was supposed take away from them.
I had a very difficult time completing Assignment 1, but I do believe it was a valuable experience in developing my coding skills and knowledge. When I first approached Assignment 1, I found it to be very similar to what we had in previous labs/WODs/POKEs, but it was still different in the way that I wasn’t able to use the exact same code. Assignment 1 was very difficult because it was made from the beginning, but now that there’s a foundation, I feel more ready to work on Assignment 2 than I was in Assignment 1. After completing Lab 14, I feel like I have a better grasp in what I am supposed to do for Assignment 2, but I still feel worried about completing it.
I think the pacing of the later half of the semester felt fast because I wish there was more time allotted for the three major assignments, especially with how they are 50% of our grade. I found Assignment 1 to be very time-consuming, and I am aware that the other two assignments will increase in difficulty, which makes me worried about completing them. Furthermore, without Sal’s videos, I found some of the instructions for the labs to be confusing; although I understand it is to invoke critical thinking, the wording of the required tasks could use clarification. Some of the labs were also repeitive in ways that it made us do the wrong thing before doing the right thing, as well as explain some concepts that were already established, which I found to be tedious.
The labs, WODs/POKEs, and working with classmates are what helped me the most. When working independently after the readings, I mainly learn the concepts through completing the labs and WODs/POKEs since they are practical applications. Whenever I am stuck on a certain part of the labs or WODs/POKEs, I work with my classmates in grasping the mateial. I found it extremely useful with how the labs/WODs/POKEs built up to Assignment 1; my classmates also helped me extensively with troubleshooting difficult issues.